
Natural Parks in France: which ones to explore in a motorhome?

Did you know that there are 58 regional nature parks in France? Do you want to discover or rediscover the most beautiful of them in a motorhome? So, log on to AVIS explore, book a motorhome and discover the Camargue Regional Natural Park, the Marquenterre Park and the Oise-Pays de France Regional Natural Park.

Traffic and bivouac rules in natural parks

Natural parks were created to protect large inhabited spaces, they are protected and enhanced. The legislation on traffic and bivouacs is specific to each natural park. Nevertheless, there are some general guidelines:

  • Wild camping, bivouacs, camper vans, caravans, roof tents and campfires are prohibited except in certain parks where articles regulate this type of passenger accommodation.
  • It is forbidden to throw rubbish, to practice picking and to pollute water points and rivers.
  • We must respect the tranquility of the animals.

Destination 1: the Camargue regional natural park

The Camargue Regional Natural Park has existed for 50 years. Nature's treasures nestle there: plants and animals, including birds such as flamingos. They rub shoulders with men in perfect harmony.
Departing from the AVIS explore agency in Aix-Marseille, Montpellier or Nice take the southern motorway and discover the coastal charm of the Mediterranean Sea and the vast expanses of ponds and salt flats. Stop to observe the Camargue bulls and horses.
Arles, Avignon, Port-Saint-Louis, Saintes-Marie-de-la-mer, visit these charming towns steeped in history and endowed with Roman architecture.

Our advice: Book one or more nights at the Huttopia campsite in Fontvieille, in the heart of Provence.


Destination 2: the Oise-Pays de France regional nature park

The Oise-Pays de France Regional Nature Parkstretches from the Carnelle Forest to the Halatte Forest, passing through the Ermenonville Forest and Chantilly Forest. This authentic and exceptional territory has a secular historical heritage:

Rent your motorhome in Paris and plan your overnight stays in areas using the Parck4Night application.


Destination 3: the Marquenterre park

Our third favorite as a motorhome owner is in the Parc du Marquenterrein the Baie de Somme, in the heart of an exceptional bird sanctuary. Leave from the Paris agency and join this park where thousands of wild birds stopover. Tours are by horse-drawn carriage and on foot. Great hikes are available to you!

Note: to extend this immersive experience, stay with your camper at a local's home with HomeCamper in the Baie de Somme.


Grab a map and explore France's national parks in a motorhome. You should respect these places by parking your vehicle in dedicated areas such as adapted areas, private land or on a campsite. Book your motorhome quickly with AVIS explore!

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The motorhome, a good idea to reduce your carbon footprint

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For an eco-friendly break

Taking along domestic animal

Taking along domestic animal

Domestic animals are welcomed at AVIS explore

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